5 research outputs found

    SCJ-Circus: specification and refinement of Safety-Critical Java programs

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    Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) is a version of Java for real-time, embedded, safety-critical applications. It supports certification via abstractions that enforce a particular program architecture, with controlled concurrency and memory models. SCJ is an Open Group standard, with a reference implementation, but little support for reasoning. Here, we present SCJ-Circus, a refinement notation for specification and verification of low-level models of SCJ programs. SCJ-Circus is part of the Circus family of state-rich process algebras: it includes the Circus constructs for modelling of sequential and concurrent behaviour based on Z and CSP, and the real-time and object-oriented extensions of Circus, in addition to the SCJ abstractions. We present the syntax of SCJ-Circus and its semantics, defined by mapping SCJ-Circus constructs to those of Circus. We also detail a refinement strategy that takes a Circus design that adheres to a multiprocessor cyclic executive pattern and produces an SCJ program design, described in SCJ-Circus. Finally, we show how this refinement strategy can be extended for more complex program architectures

    Automating Verification of State Machines with Reactive Designs and Isabelle/UTP

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    State-machine based notations are ubiquitous in the description of component systems, particularly in the robotic domain. To ensure these systems are safe and predictable, formal verification techniques are important, and can be cost-effective if they are both automated and scalable. In this paper, we present a verification approach for a diagrammatic state machine language that utilises theorem proving and a denotational semantics based on Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). We provide the necessary theory to underpin state machines (including induction theorems for iterative processes), mechanise an action language for states and transitions, and use these to formalise the semantics. We then describe the verification approach, which supports infinite state systems, and exemplify it with a fully automated deadlock-freedom check. The work has been mechanised in our proof tool, Isabelle/UTP, and so also illustrates the use of UTP to build practical verification tools

    RoboChart: modelling and verification of the functional behaviour of robotic applications

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    Robots are becoming ubiquitous: from vacuum cleaners to driverless cars, there is a wide variety of applications, many with potential safety hazards. The work presented in this paper proposes a set of constructs suitable for both modelling robotic applications and supporting verification via model checking and theorem proving. Our goal is to support roboticists in writing models and applying modern verification techniques using a language familiar to them. To that end, we present RoboChart, a domain-specific modelling language based on UML, but with a restricted set of constructs to enable a simplified semantics and automated reasoning. We present the RoboChart metamodel, its well-formedness rules, and its process-algebraic semantics. We discuss verification based on these foundations using an implementation of RoboChart and its semantics as a set of Eclipse plug-ins called RoboTool

    Formal verification of implementations of Stateflow charts

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    Simulink diagrams are widely used in industry for specifying control systems, and a particular type of block used in them is a Stateflow chart. Often, the systems specified are safety-critical ones. Therefore, the issue of correctness of implementations of these systems is relevant. We are interested in the verification of implementations of Stateflow charts. In this thesis, we propose a formal model of Stateflow charts in the Circus notation. The proposed model makes a distinction between the general semantics of Stateflow charts and the specific aspects of each chart, and maintains the operational style used in the official informal description of the semantics of Stateflow. In this way, we support the comparison of our model to the informal description as an extra form of validation. Moreover, this separation allows us to obtain a translation from a Stateflow chart to a Circus model based mostly on the syntactic structure of the chart. We formalise in Z a translation strategy that supports the generation of the chart specific model which is composed with the model of the semantics of Stateflow charts to formalise the execution of the chart. The translation strategy is implemented in a tool that supports the automatic generation of the complete model of a chart. The style in which the translation strategy is specified supports a very direct implementation, thus, minimising this potential source of error. We identify an architecture of parallel implementations based on the sequential implementations automatically generated by a code generator, and propose a refinement strategy that applies the Circus refinement calculus to verify the correctness of the implementation with respect to the proposed formal model of Stateflow charts. The identification of the architecture allows us to specify the refinement strategy in a degree of detail that renders it suitable for formalisation in a tactical language, thus, potentially achieving a high degree of automation. Moreover, this strategy is a starting point for new strategies targeting different architectural patterns

    Partial generation of Java code from Z formal specifications.

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    Especificações formais são úteis para descrever o que um sistema deve fazer sem definir como, e, em virtude da sua natureza formal e da possibilidade de abstração, é possível analisá-las sistematicamente. No entanto, o uso de especificações formais como parte do desenvolvimento de software não constitui prática comum. Isso se dá, em parte, pelo fato de existirem apenas um pequeno número de metodologias e ferramentas adequadas que dêem suporte a esse desenvolvimento. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia de desenvolvimento que possibilite, a partir de uma especificação formal em notação Z, produzir uma implementação dessa especificação em Java. Essa metodologia centra-se na geração do esqueleto da aplicação Java e na instrumentação desse esqueleto com mecanismos de verificação de condições (invariantes, pré e pós-condições) e rastreamento de violações dessas condições. Através desses mecanismos, possibilita-se intercalar desenvolvimento formal e informal no processo global de desenvolvimento de software. O segundo objetivo é desenvolver uma ferramenta que implemente parte dessa metodologia, produzindo uma implementação parcial que deverá ser complementada pelo usuário.Formal specifications are useful for describing what a system should do, without defining how, and, owing to its formal nature, it is possible to analyse them systematically. However useful formal specifications are, their usage as part of the software development process is rather rare. This is, in part, due to the scarcity of both methodologies and tools that support this development. The first goal of this work is to define a software development methodology that enables the developer to produce a Java application from a formal specification written in Z. This methodology will rely strongly on the generation of Java application skeletons and instrumentation of the generated code with means of verifying conditions (invariants, pre and post-conditions) e tracing violations of these conditions. Through this mechanisms, it is possible to mix formal and informal development in the global software development process. The second goal of this work is to develop a tool that will implement part of this methodology, producing a partial implementation that must be complemented by the developer